The Da Vinci Brothers
Leonardo Da Vinci and Brother Bob… Who knew history was so funny?
An Evening at The Opera... With Bob!
Tux ‘n Tails Bob.
Pirate Bob
Pirate Ships… er… “Cruise Director”.
Ranger Bob
Host of “Makin’ Larvae… A Honey Bee Love Story” bee conservation show.
Trapper Bob
In red long johns with a barrel… cause ya git a hankerin’ for Opera – Backwoods Style!
Caesar and Patheticus
Caesar – like the salad. Patheticus, “Richard ‘n Liz’s” ‘Love Child’.
Pinnocchio and Gepeto
Pinocchio as an older man. Does not enjoy seafood… just sayin’.
The Great Da Vinci's
1910 Italian immigrant. “Itta willa maka youa laugh…a!”
Firefly Bulb
Co-Host of “Makin Larvae”.
Queen Bee
Queen character of “Makin’ Larvae”.